Assembly Required…
We had Covid this week.
My whole plan and schedule that I finally figured out got completely derailed. Not only did I have one pretty congested day that called for full rest, but I also had a sick baby (so I wasn’t really sleeping), but also had a covid positive but asymptomatic husband, and two kids that needed to go to school 40 minutes from home that were Covid negative. They usually get a ride to school but in case neither of them was patient 0, we drove them. It’s been 4 days since anyone in the house tested positive, so my hypothesis that the big girls were asymptomatic first is probable.
So much juggling. So much changing of plans, so much rebuilding.
Bored in the house Matt ordered a dumpster which was a catalyst for me redesigning the sunroom so we could toss anything we’ve had that’s been destroyed by children or time that just HAD to go. Naturally when you throw out old furnace you get new furniture.
Lots of assembly required following a step by step plan in front of me.
I miss having a step by step plan; having a race to train for, something to count weeks back from. I rejected anything fitness that wasn’t running for so long because I was just so sad. So sad that my life wasn’t turning out the way I pictured. the way I had a step by step plan to get to….
But, I went for 2 walks this week instead of rejecting walks. I swam one while Mile and did a swimming workout this week instead of rejecting swimming (once I was covid negative), and I rode almost 20 miles on the peloton instead of rejecting biking. I also made the time to stretch and do meditation. All things that I rejected last year. If it couldn’t be running (or a supplement to running), I didn’t want it. I don’t spend weekdays at the track doing workouts while my kids play in the water jump or in the long jump pit… I don’t go to road races on the weekend and hold my kids with my finishers medal, my kids have hardly any recollection of me running at all. The picture on the box doesn’t go with the pieces I was delivered. But I’m getting too old to let the pieces of me and my life just lay on the floor while I look for directions. Assembly is required in this life… and no one can put me together better than me. It’s looking a little different, but as soon as I let go of the picture I originally had, I’ve been able to visualize and imagine something entirely different …
And I got to work.
Sunday 3/10: Covid positive-30 min yoga
Monday: 10 minute Meditation
Tuesday: 3.6 mile stroller walk, trying to get baby’s congestion to clear
Wednesday: 10 minute upper body stretch -so much shoulder fatigue either from Covid, swimming, or holding the baby non stop
Thursday: 10 minute more upper body stretch. Could also be from building furniture. Covid negative for me and Iris.
Friday: 4 mile stroller walk
Saturday: 400wu 2(5x100)on 2:15, 200cd (splits ranged from 1:56-2:00), 10 minute stretch
Sunday: 18.8 miles total, 1 hour power zone ride, 10 minute cool down ride 5 minute core
It was a rough start, but I salvaged it.